
British Future’s new report This Sceptred Isle released

British Future’s new report This Sceptred Isle released Date: 20 April 2012

British Future’s new report This Sceptred Isle aims to open up public debate about how we could do more to create a shared and inclusive pride across the nations of Britain.

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Interviews: Do you want an anthem for England?

Interviews: Do you want an anthem for England? Date: 19 April 2012

British Future’s fearless video reporter Richard Miranda went out on the streets of London to ask the general public if they felt England needed its own anthem, and if so what it should be.

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A question of direction

A question of direction Date: 3 April 2012

Novelist Christie Watson talks about identifying with Wales and the inclination people have to ask her partner, rather than her, where he is from.

“My partner is black and Muslim and English, and wherever we go he gets asked, ‘where are you from?’ And I want to shout, ‘I’m from Wales!’….but they’re directing that at him, which I find quite odd.”

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Olympics can be exceptional moment

Olympics can be exceptional moment Date: 29 March 2012

London’s Olympics can be an exceptional moment to show the ties that bind us to Britain, and show off an enthusiasm for the country today,says Rachael Jolley.

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“London represents me best”

“London represents me best” Date: 23 March 2012

Columnist and foreign correspondent Ian Birrell talks about being educated in Scotland, having a Scottish, Irish and English heritage but identifying with London most of all.

“In many ways I see myself first and foremost as a Londoner, and take great pride in what London is today and that represents me best.”

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Identity shifts

Identity shifts Date: 23 March 2012

Richard was born in England, but moved to Florida at the age of two. “By the time I left the United States when I was 11 I definitely identified myself as American.” Moving back to England changed this, however.

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Muamba: Symbol of refugee struggle and success

Muamba: Symbol of refugee struggle and success Date: 22 March 2012

The plight of footballer Fabrice Muamba, who suffered a cardiac arrest while on the pitch on Sunday, has brought his dramatic life story into public view, says Sunder Katwala

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“Electorate should not be influenced by Toulouse”

“Electorate should not be influenced by Toulouse” Date: 22 March 2012

If the Toulouse killings do turn out to change the course of French democracy, that ought to trouble us as democrats. The identity of a violent murderer should not decide a major democratic election, argues Sunder Katwala.

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“Amis: Britain’s chief miserabilist”

“Amis: Britain’s chief miserabilist” Date: 16 March 2012

Is Martin Amis’ dispiriting ‘state of the nation’ novel trying to dampen Jubilee joy? It looks like his new novel, about a young lottery-winning criminal, will paint a bleak picture of broken Britain. Sunder Katwala asks if Amis is Britain’s chief miserabilist.

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British Future reports examine public attitudes and make recommendations for change on topics ranging from future immigration and integration policy to how communications can help combat prejudice."

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