
The heart of London: celebrating art at the City of London Festival

The heart of London: celebrating art at the City of London Festival Date: 31 July 2012

London may be known as a great financial centre, but it’s the arts that are at the heart of London life, says Robin Linnecar, one of the directors of the City of London Festival.

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Our island story

Our island story Date: 28 July 2012

Sunder Katwala reviews the Olympic opening ceremony, and says that it shows an inclusive Britishness can be pretty irresistible

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Fans at Olympics say good chance for “everyone to come together”

Fans at Olympics say good chance for “everyone to come together” Date: 27 July 2012

Young football fans Rana and Hannah from Birmingham said the Olympics were a good chance for everyone to come

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Humour is great part of British Olympics

Humour is great part of British Olympics Date: 27 July 2012

It’s all just about to start, the Olympic moment is here, but this is also a time to assess what the Games mean to us and what they say about modern Britain, says Sunder Katwala.

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The real Olympic opening ceremony?

The real Olympic opening ceremony? Date: 24 July 2012

Most people think the Olympics will begin with Friday’s Olympic Opening ceremony. But London’s 2012 Olympiad will actually begin in Wales.

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Spanish youth say crisis is hard to bear

Spanish youth say crisis is hard to bear Date: 22 July 2012

Britain has a chance to avoid creating a “lost generation”, but Spanish young people are deeply depressed, says Richard Miranda, after interviewing his Spanish friends and family.

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Generation 2012: optimistic and practical

Generation 2012: optimistic and practical Date: 18 July 2012

British Future’s new report Generation 2012 speaks with an age group who have been dubbed by some the “lost generation” to identify the challenges facing them.

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What are the challenges facing Generation 2012?

What are the challenges facing Generation 2012? Date: 17 July 2012

British Future hosted an interactive debate at Stratford Town Hall on the challenges facing Generation 2012 to find out what can be done to avoid a “lost generation”.

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Jerusalem is David Cameron’s choice of English anthem

Jerusalem is David Cameron’s choice of English anthem Date: 14 July 2012

David Cameron would be tempted to choose Jerusalem as an English anthem for England’s sporting teams, the Prime Minister and Conservative Party leader has said, when asked by British Future.

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British Future reports examine public attitudes and make recommendations for change on topics ranging from future immigration and integration policy to how communications can help combat prejudice."

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