
British Future Launches

British Future Launches Date: 16 January 2012

As 2012 kicks off, new identity, integration, migration and opportunity thinktank British Future held its launch at the Museum of […]

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1948 Olympics torch helps launch British Future

1948 Olympics torch helps launch British Future Date: 16 January 2012

One of the original 1948 Olympic torches will be on display at the launch of British Future this week, ahead of its display in an exhibition this spring. Below Dr Cathy Ross talks about the importance of the torch as an historic icon.

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Ruder, more liberal and as class-conscious as ever: how Britain sees itself today

Ruder, more liberal and as class-conscious as ever: how Britain sees itself today Date: 16 January 2012

By Sunder Katwala

Who do we think we are in Britain today? That question will recur across 2012. Arguments over Scottish independence and the Union have dominated the opening political exchanges of the year. Addressing the budget deficit is not just a question of economic management, but also of social choices about how to handle the pressures of austerity fairly. And this year will also offer a chance to take the long view of social change in Britain, as we host the Olympics for the first time since 1948, and as the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee will provoke reflections not just on the service of the Monarch but on the transformation of post-war Britain over six decades.

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My Leeds – Football, Identity and Belonging

My Leeds – Football, Identity and Belonging Date: 13 January 2012

Despite leaving when he was a toddler, Matthew Rhodes has a strong sense of being from Yorkshire…

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Why Britain should be grateful to Mrs Simpson

Why Britain should be grateful to Mrs Simpson Date: 11 January 2012

“A patriotic extra has revealed how he set Madonna straight on UK royal history during the filming of her Wallis Simpson biopic W,” reports the i newspaper this morning. It is an amusing tale of how north Londoner Ben Goodman, 69, hired to play a newspaper vendor who hands a ‘Royal scandal’ newspaper to the actress playing Mrs Simpson.

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Geordie nation? Does the north-east feel least British?

Geordie nation? Does the north-east feel least British? Date: 10 January 2012

The British Future state of the nation poll found that 50% of people in the north-east feel that they belong to Britain. The figure is 66% across Britain, 67% in England, and 60% in Scotland, making the north-east the place where people identify least with a British identity.

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Migration evidence should deepen public debate

Migration evidence should deepen public debate Date: 10 January 2012

British Future trustee Shamit Saggar, and a contributor to today’s Migration Advisory Commitee report, says robust evidence should help to inform a public debate that recognises both benefits and costs.

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National Conversation: Scotland

National Conversation: Scotland Date: 10 January 2012

When the history of twentieth century North Britain is written, it seems quite possible that the revival of Scottishness will be seen as the overarching theme beneath which all else will be discussed.

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How The Tebbit Test Was Hit For Six

How The Tebbit Test Was Hit For Six Date: 9 January 2012

I took my Dad to the Oval last summer for the Sunday of the last final England v India test match. Each of us would be supporting the country in which we were born. I had booked the tickets last Christmas, expecting the series to be on a knife-edge. Instead, we England supporters had the strange experience of trying to remember not to gloat like an Australian. This was still cricket, after all.

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British Future reports examine public attitudes and make recommendations for change on topics ranging from future immigration and integration policy to how communications can help combat prejudice."

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See British Future's recent media coverage, with links to articles and clips."

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