
Grasping the thistle

Grasping the thistle Date: 18 February 2012

Sunder Katwala reviews a week of thorny debates over the Union, human rights and the role of faith.

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“Government would be right to deport Abu Qatada”

“Government would be right to deport Abu Qatada” Date: 16 February 2012

The government is right to want to deport Abu Qatada. He is a threat
to community relations in Britain. The Home Secretary is right to want
to use her powers to exclude him, say Shamit Saggar and Sunder Katwala.

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James Forsyth on British identity and history

James Forsyth on British identity and history Date: 15 February 2012

Rather than being created by grand declarations of Britishness, British identity has grown organically through history, says James Forsyth, political editor of The Spectator.

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Trevor Phillips talks to British Future about manners

Trevor Phillips talks to British Future about manners Date: 15 February 2012

British identity is about how we treat each other, and a civic sense of fairness is at the heart of Britishness, says Trevor Phillips, chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

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Hackney students debate integration

Hackney students debate integration Date: 10 February 2012

“When you go into school, or into college, you meet people from everywhere – from America, from Poland, everywhere – in one day”, says one Hackney Community College student at a British Future debate.

British Future went to Hackney to talk to students about whether they defined themselves as British, English or something else. The students’ debate, chaired by Anthony Painter, also focused on integration – in terms of the diversity they could see around them in London, and how they thought that was mirrored in the rest of the country.

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Capello Failed The Integration Test

Capello Failed The Integration Test Date: 10 February 2012

By Sunder Katwala

What a disappointment Fabio Capello turned out to be.

The England football manager has resigned – protesting at his authority being undermined by being his overruled in his desire to allow an England captain to face court charges over alleged racial abuse without relinquishing the armband.

The problem was never that Fabio was foreign. Rather, he failed the integration test.

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The monarchy is more secure than ever

The monarchy is more secure than ever Date: 7 February 2012

By Sunder Katwala

It is the constitutional duty of the head of a republican pressure group to provide a dissenting note during the high days and holidays of Monarchical ceremony.

But if Graham Smith of Republic may have half a point in his call on the mediato ensure the alternative anti-Monarchy view gets a voice he also massively overstates his two central claims, that the Monarchy “is able to co-opt almost the entire media output of this country to its own advantage and a media that is failing to report the true story of a changing public attitude toward royalty and monarchy”. Neither claim stands up to scrutiny of the evidence.

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British Future research finds Welsh are most excited about Queen’s Jubilee

British Future research finds Welsh are most excited about Queen’s Jubilee Date: 6 February 2012

Ipsos Mori research for British Future has found that the Welsh are more enthusiastic about the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee than the English and the Scottish.

70% of Welshpeople expect the jubilee will lift the mood of the British public compared to 69% of English people asked, and only 55% of people from Scotland.

But, when asked about the Olympics, English respondents were the most positive with 66% believing it would be good for the mood of the British public, compared to 57% of Scots.

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New report highlights what works in integration

New report highlights what works in integration Date: 6 February 2012

Ever since the Home Secretary announced her plan for the new integration strategy in June 2011, we have been waiting for it to materialise with a mixture of excitement and anxiety, says Zrinka Bralo.

Excitement because it might be different and better from those preceding it, and anxiety because of recent government announcements about further immigration restrictions. The rumour in the blogosphere is that a draft integration strategy called ‘Creating the Conditions for Integration’ has been circulating in Whitehall since November 2011. At The Forum, the organisation where I work, we are curious to see what’s in store for the future of integration as this is what we do and we need a constructive environment to be able to keep doing it.

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British Future reports examine public attitudes and make recommendations for change on topics ranging from future immigration and integration policy to how communications can help combat prejudice."

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