
Olympic torch journey has touched many hearts

Olympic torch journey has touched many hearts Date: 13 July 2012

Unbelievably, the Olympic opening ceremony takes place two weeks today. Even amidst last minute concerns about security and the weather, there is still a growing excitement about what the first two weeks of August will bring, both in terms of sporting achievement and national esprit de corps.

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The rules of love

The rules of love Date: 10 July 2012

Binita Mehta reports from an event protesting new visa regulations that will disproportionately hit families, women and the poor.

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Review: Promised Land

Review: Promised Land Date: 5 July 2012

Matthew Rhodes reviews Promised Land, a play about Leeds, its football team, identity and belonging, which is followed by a video of the discussion that ensued.

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Politicians’ approach to immigration is “too predictable”

Politicians’ approach to immigration is “too predictable” Date: 5 July 2012

Conservative private polling leaks suggest that voters are just as disappointed with its immigration performance as they were for the previous Labour government, says Britain Thinks pollster Deborah Mattinson.

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Taxi drivers, Welsh rarebit and being chosen to be Welsh

Taxi drivers, Welsh rarebit and being chosen to be Welsh Date: 3 July 2012

Journalist Daniel Lloyd considers his Welsh identity and why the infectious, inclusive nature of Wales can prove irresistible for many.

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Why do non-white Brits feel that little bit more British?

Why do non-white Brits feel that little bit more British? Date: 30 June 2012

New research shows a strong sense of minority patriotism. Might it be time to stop being surprised, says Sunder Katwala?

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Can the Balotelli generation change Italy?

Can the Balotelli generation change Italy? Date: 29 June 2012

Mario Balotelli will not change how Italians think about nationality overnight but he does show how the symbolism of sport helps us to talk about who we are, says Sunder Katwala.

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Tribalism can be a positive way of uniting communities, says author Anthony Clavane

Tribalism can be a positive way of uniting communities, says author Anthony Clavane Date: 26 June 2012

Author Anthony Clavane spoke to British Future about Leeds, identity and the positive and negative aspects of tribalism in football.

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“Miliband forgot to talk about integration”

“Miliband forgot to talk about integration” Date: 25 June 2012

Ed Miliband forgot to address the public’s worries about integration in his big immigration speech, argues Max Wind-Cowie.

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British Future reports examine public attitudes and make recommendations for change on topics ranging from future immigration and integration policy to how communications can help combat prejudice."

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