
How could the Conservatives reach out to non-white Britons?

How could the Conservatives reach out to non-white Britons? Date: 3 March 2012

The Conservatives, according to an article in The Economist, are much less likely to win non-white votes than socio-economic indicators would predict. What’s going on – and how could the party reverse the pattern, asks Sunder Katwala.

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In Bed with British Future

In Bed with British Future Date: 3 March 2012

British Future went to York this week to to join the cast of the play Bed in a passionate debate about British identity.

The debate, held on the set of Bed in the York Theatre Royal, saw York University lecturer Mike Savage, Charles Hutchinson of the York Press and the director of Bed Cecily Boys discuss Scotland, the British Empire and Yorkshire pride.

Watch our video to hear some of what they said.

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Reviewing Bradford’s message of hope

Reviewing Bradford’s message of hope Date: 1 March 2012

Channel 4’s Make Bradford British defied the expectations and took risks to explore how we want to live together or apart, but left Sunder Katwala feeling more hopeful about a Britain that we want to share.

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Sneaking into the 2012 stadium ahead of Olympics

Sneaking into the 2012 stadium ahead of Olympics Date: 24 February 2012

British Future headed off to Stratford this morning to get a sneaky peak inside the Olympic stadium ahead of this summer’s crowds. Even the journey to the stadium is exciting, if you take London public transport options, the Docklands Light Railway or the Jubilee line. Both sweep past the edge of the park allowing arrivals to catch sight of the striking new buildings, the swoop of the aquadrome and the butterfly of the velodrome in the distance.

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Listen to a new podcast on British identity

Listen to a new podcast on British identity Date: 23 February 2012

Featuring an interview with Sunder Katwala, a Pod Academy podcast discusses Britain, identity and our new report, Hopes and Fears.

In the podcast you can also hear some clips from the British Future debate held at our launch, where the Spectator’s James Forsyth, political commentator Matthew D’Ancona, novelist Christie Watson, graduate Promise Campbell and British Future’s Sunder Katwala discussed identity and class, British values, and the London borough of Brent.

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Integration Matters

Integration Matters Date: 21 February 2012

The Department of Communities and Local Government has launched its long awaited new strategy on integration – simply entitled Creating […]

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“Government needed judical inquiry into riots” ex Met boss

“Government needed judical inquiry into riots” ex Met boss Date: 20 February 2012

The government had made a mistake in not having a proper judicially-led inquiry into the summer’s riots, former Met police commissioner Ian Blair said today, giving the inaugural Stephen Lawrence criminal justice lecture to the Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust in London.

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My London Borough of Brent

My London Borough of Brent Date: 20 February 2012

When you’ve no stable family network, an area becomes home. The prospect of leaving Brent, a decision I had to consider last year as the call for independence intensified, proved far more unsettling than I had anticipated. My obsession with the area, Willesden in particular, mirrors Zadie Smith’s passion in her bestseller White Teeth; even the author’s American polemic On Beauty makes its way home.

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Why the 1948 Olympic torch tells a story

Why the 1948 Olympic torch tells a story Date: 20 February 2012

The 1948 London Olympic torch was a feat of British craftsmanship. It had to stay alight through all weather conditions, and be cheap for a war damaged Britain to make. But it also had to be something Britain could be proud to display to countries across Europe as the runners made their way from Olympia to Wembley – across the Mediterranean, Italy, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium, France and finally across the English Channel.

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British Future reports examine public attitudes and make recommendations for change on topics ranging from future immigration and integration policy to how communications can help combat prejudice."

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See British Future's recent media coverage, with links to articles and clips."

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