
UK local elections shaping the union

UK local elections shaping the union Date: 8 May 2012

Sunder Katwala details the results of the local elections and how they could shape forthcoming negotiations about the future of the United Kingdom.

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Far right suffer “death blow” in British local elections

Far right suffer “death blow” in British local elections Date: 4 May 2012

British Future interviewed leading academic expert Matthew Goodwin who says the BNP will consider abandoning “ballot box strategy” after their worst election results for a decade.

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The myth of “planet London”

The myth of “planet London” Date: 3 May 2012

The media increasingly suggest London has a very different world view from the rest of the nation. Sunder Katwala argues it really hasn’t and that there is a widespread national pride in London too.

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For God, Harry and St George

For God, Harry and St George Date: 1 May 2012

Author and journalist Andrew Gimson asks whether St George’s Day can, or should, ever become for the English what St Patrick’s Day is for the Irish.

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Flying all our flags

Flying all our flags Date: 1 May 2012

Sunder Katwala argues that the population has a strong sense of what they are proud of, but also more needs to be done to extend our pride in our flags and the modern, inclusive Britain they represent.

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Apply for our paid internship

Apply for our paid internship Date: 30 April 2012

A brief description of British Future’s new paid internship is available below, please also see attached document for fuller details.

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More calls for an English anthem

More calls for an English anthem Date: 27 April 2012

Following on from our director Sunder Katwala’s letter to the Prime Minister and our An Anthem For England campaign, here are some extended remarks from others also in favour of England having its own national anthem.

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British Future writes to the Prime Minister

British Future writes to the Prime Minister Date: 27 April 2012

Director of British Future Sunder Katwala wrote to David Cameron for St. George’s Day, asking for the Prime Minister to encourage a positive and inclusive English identity by opening the debate on whether England should have its own anthem.

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How civic is the ‘new Scottishness’?

How civic is the ‘new Scottishness’? Date: 27 April 2012

Academic Andrew Mycock argues that while the data from British Future’s report This Sceptred Isle suggests that many Scots share a vision of the Scottish nation and society which is multicultural and inclusive, the importance that a majority attach to place of birth suggests ethnicity remains an important factor in how Scottish nationalism and nationhood are popularly understood.

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British Future reports examine public attitudes and make recommendations for change on topics ranging from future immigration and integration policy to how communications can help combat prejudice."

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See British Future's recent media coverage, with links to articles and clips."

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