
Can the next Tory leader tackle the party’s trust deficit on immigration?

Can the next Tory leader tackle the party’s trust deficit on immigration?

Sunder Katwala examines new findings on public attitudes that show the Conservative party and its new leader needs to win back trust on immigration

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Media contact:
Steve Ballinger

Understanding “Legitimate concerns” – and how to differentiate them from those with no legitimacy

Understanding “Legitimate concerns” – and how to differentiate them from those with no legitimacy Date: 24 September 2024

As the Prime Minister uses his conference speech to condemn recent outbreaks of racist violence, Sunder Katwala examines the difference between ‘legitimate concerns’ – and those with no legitimacy at all.

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“Reform voters are outliers on immigration: they think differently to the majority of the public”

“Reform voters are outliers on immigration: they think differently to the majority of the public” Date: 19 September 2024

New findings from the immigration attitudes tracker show how different the views of Reform voters are from those of the general public.

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‘Skewed perceptions’ impact on UK immigration debate – New research

‘Skewed perceptions’ impact on UK immigration debate – New research Date: 19 September 2024

New research examines shifting public attitudes to immigration and asylum, including key differences in attitudes between voters for different parties, and what that means for the politics of immigration in the new parliament.

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How do public perceptions affect the politics of immigration?

How do public perceptions affect the politics of immigration? Date: 19 September 2024

Analysis of new findings on public perceptions of migration and what they mean for the UK immigration debate in the new parliament.

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After the riots

After the riots Date: 12 September 2024

Leading voices on community cohesion urge the government to address the ‘vacuum on communities policy’ after this summer’s riots, with a new publication setting out a 12-point agenda for change.

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Euro 2028 in the UK and Ireland is a chance to bring people together

Euro 2028 in the UK and Ireland is a chance to bring people together Date: 17 July 2024

How can Euro 2028 – hosted here in the UK & Ireland – harness the connecting power of football to bridge divides and create a more inclusive sense of ‘us’?

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Reform’s ‘racist’ reputation worse than UKIP’s in 2015, finds poll

Reform’s ‘racist’ reputation worse than UKIP’s in 2015, finds poll Date: 17 July 2024

The Reform Party must do more to exclude extreme candidates and has a worse reputation on racism than UKIP in 2015, finds a new poll.

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Public gives new government a chance on immigration reforms – with space to go further too

Public gives new government a chance on immigration reforms – with space to go further too Date: 14 July 2024

The public is ready to give the Labour government a chance with its proposed immigration reforms – and there may also be political space to go further

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England, my England

England, my England Date: 12 July 2024

British Future Director Sunder Katwala explores what England – and the teams that represent it – mean to him and to the nation.

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British Future reports examine public attitudes and make recommendations for change on topics ranging from future immigration and integration policy to how communications can help combat prejudice."

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