
Refugees kick off the Jubilee weekend

Refugees kick off the Jubilee weekend Date: 4 June 2012

British Future hosted a Jubilee street party on Friday as a way of both celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee and acknowledging the contribution that refugees have made to British society during her reign.

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Jubilee letter to The Times

Jubilee letter to The Times Date: 31 May 2012

As British Future heads off to one of the first Jubilee street parties of the weekend to celebrate with refugees in Brixton today, we have written to The Times in honour of the Queen’s Jubilee to acknowledge the contribution that refugees have made to Britain during the Queen’s reign.

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Refugees get bunting out to celebrate Jubilee

Refugees get bunting out to celebrate Jubilee Date: 31 May 2012

“I’m looking forward to celebrating my 55 years in Britain,” said refugee Bob Vertes, who will be attending a street party in Brixton this week.

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What makes Britain and the Brits what we are today?

What makes Britain and the Brits what we are today? Date: 30 May 2012

British Future hosted a breakfast debate in a London pub on what has been the most influential factor on modern British society.

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How many republicans are there really?

How many republicans are there really? Date: 28 May 2012

Support for the monarchy has been remarkably stable for decades. With the Jubilee around the corner, Sunder Katwala says it is time for the republicans to get real.

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Why the Queen is great value for Britain

Why the Queen is great value for Britain Date: 25 May 2012

Fourteen-year-old Radwan Hussain of King Solomon Academy in London spoke at British Future’s Great British Breakfast event, explaining why he thinks the monarchy is a positive influence in Britain.

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Olympic bosses should not let mad branding rules hit Games fever

Olympic bosses should not let mad branding rules hit Games fever Date: 22 May 2012

Using the words “Olympics” and “Games” could get you in trouble, and that’s not doing anything for getting the crowd to its feet ready to cheer for one of this year’s big events. The branding supremos over there at the Olympic stadium in east London have gone a bit power crazy in their bid to fight off the hawkers and the sellers of fake Olympic mementos.

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Rochdale: The disproportionality dilemma

Rochdale: The disproportionality dilemma Date: 18 May 2012

Academic and author Shamit Saggar argues that simply shrugging in the face of Rochdale cannot be good for the reputation of any group.

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Moving abroad can make you feel British

Moving abroad can make you feel British Date: 11 May 2012

The great British sense of humour and its difference from other nation’s can help people define themselves. Humour was just one of the characteristics three women writers identified as making them feel distinctly British in a recent magazine article.

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British Future reports examine public attitudes and make recommendations for change on topics ranging from future immigration and integration policy to how communications can help combat prejudice."

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See British Future's recent media coverage, with links to articles and clips."

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