
“Ed Miliband’s immigration mea culpa is mistake”

“Ed Miliband’s immigration mea culpa is mistake” Date: 25 June 2012

The Labour leader’s focus in his immigration speech was a mistake. Voters are not hung up on what has happened, they want to know what needs to happen next, says Shamit Saggar.

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Why “We are Leeds” was a source of Jewish pride

Why “We are Leeds” was a source of Jewish pride Date: 21 June 2012

Sport has much to tell us about who we are and can be a celebration of our diversity, says author and playwright Anthony Clavane, author of Promised Land, ahead of a British Future debate at the Carriageworks Theatre in Leeds.

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Unsung Hero helping to make London 2012 a reality

Unsung Hero helping to make London 2012 a reality Date: 19 June 2012

One of Refugee Week’s Unsung Heroes Kolbassia speaks about his support for Team Great Britain and his long-term involvement with the Olympics.

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Powell: “best understood as part of our history”

Powell: “best understood as part of our history” Date: 15 June 2012

Enoch Powell, born a hundred years ago tomorrow, was perhaps the most significant twentieth century British politician who was never Prime Minister, says Sunder Katwala.

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Boyle’s vision taps British pride in countryside

Boyle’s vision taps British pride in countryside Date: 13 June 2012

Danny Boyle has tapped straight into the heart of the national psyche, and what makes Britain distinct, with his colourful countryside concept of the Olympic opening.

British Future polling shows that across Britain, not just in England as some sceptics argue, there is immense pride in our green pleasant lands, from the Lake District, to Snowdonia and the Highlands.

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Black Power icon inspires young British filmmakers

Black Power icon inspires young British filmmakers Date: 12 June 2012

The Pod Academy’s Director Tess Woodcraft speaks about meeting Dr John Carlos, one of the men behind the iconic Black Power salute at the 1968 Olympics, and the new generation of Brits it has inspired.

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“It means a united people,” says celebrity chef Cyrus Todiwala

“It means a united people,” says celebrity chef Cyrus Todiwala Date: 12 June 2012

Chef and restauranteur Cyrus Todiwala spoke to British Future over the Jubilee weekend about what the Jubilee meant to him and the monarchy’s role in modern Britain.

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“Everybody has two flags”

“Everybody has two flags” Date: 11 June 2012

The upsurge in belief in an English identity over the past five years is not the threat to modern Britain that many English believe it to be, says British Future director Sunder Katwala in a new interview.

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What the Jubilee said about who we are today

What the Jubilee said about who we are today Date: 6 June 2012

Sunder Katwala sets out how the monarchy has become more relevant in a multi-ethnic Britain, reflecting a royal history of immigration and integration.

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British Future reports examine public attitudes and make recommendations for change on topics ranging from future immigration and integration policy to how communications can help combat prejudice."

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