
The Olympic ceremony: As seen in Serbia

The Olympic ceremony: As seen in Serbia Date: 18 September 2012

Back in the Balkans and tuning in on television, Londoner Almir Koldzic was surprised to find his Serbian family understand the story and celebrate Britain after watching Danny Boyle’s Olympic ceremony.

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Skills trump culture in migration attitudes, BSA shows

Skills trump culture in migration attitudes, BSA shows Date: 17 September 2012

The British public see skill and education levels as more important than cultural background in thinking about which migrants will contribute positively to the UK, a major new British Social Attitudes study shows today.

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Richard III should be buried in the north

Richard III should be buried in the north Date: 14 September 2012

Sunder Katwala argues that if the recently discovered remains turn out to be those of Richard III, he should be buried in York, not in London.

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Date: 10 September 2012

Ed Miliband speaking at the Labour Party conference in Manchester

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Report shows public want legacy of 2012, not just feelgood moment

Report shows public want legacy of 2012, not just feelgood moment Date: 10 September 2012

British Future’s latest publication TeamGB report: How 2012 Should Boost Britain shows that most people want the spirit of 2012 to last – and asks what we can do to bring about a positive change.

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We need a 2012 legacy that lasts

We need a 2012 legacy that lasts Date: 9 September 2012

2012 has brought Britain together. The Olympics, Paralympics and the Jubilee combined to provide the most inclusive celebration of who we are that anyone can remember, says Sunder Katwala. But what happens when the flame goes out?

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Who are Jock Tamson’s Bairns?

Who are Jock Tamson’s Bairns? Date: 28 August 2012

A British Future-backed session at the Scottish Festival of Politics hosted a debate on who counts as Scottish, and when new residents become Scottish.

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What Watford thinks of their golden boy

What Watford thinks of their golden boy Date: 22 August 2012

British Future’s Binita Mehta in her hometown of Watford speaking to local residents about the Olympics and their newly painted gold postbox.

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Will Olympic pride inspire more British Asians to compete?

Will Olympic pride inspire more British Asians to compete? Date: 21 August 2012

Binita Mehta attended the London Mela, to ask British Asians what the 2012 Olympics had meant to them.

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British Future reports examine public attitudes and make recommendations for change on topics ranging from future immigration and integration policy to how communications can help combat prejudice."

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See British Future's recent media coverage, with links to articles and clips."

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