
Stereotyping the English

Stereotyping the English Date: 19 October 2012

It is often noted that the English do not do so much to mark St George’s Day, though there is a gradual trend towards celebrating it more. Not everybody is clear about when it is, argues Sunder Katwala.

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Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week Date: 19 October 2012

George Eliot

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The Belfast riots: Why they happened

The Belfast riots: Why they happened Date: 16 October 2012

Youth unemployment and a failure of multi-culturalism have fed into the current troubles in Northern Ireland, writes Dr Robin Wilson.

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PM: Great War centenary should be “truly national moment”

PM: Great War centenary should be “truly national moment” Date: 12 October 2012

Prime Minister David Cameron said that commemorating “the Great War” was a “personal priority” for him and he wanted the centenary to be “a truly national moment in every community in our land”, in a speech at the Imperial War Museum, says Matthew Rhodes.

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“Fly flags at half mast for Remembrance Day 2014”

“Fly flags at half mast for Remembrance Day 2014” Date: 11 October 2012

An overwhelming majority of the British public believe believe the centenary of the start of the First World War in 2014 is a moment that should be marked with special remembrance, recent polling for British Future revealed.

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Times letter calls for “special” Remembrance Day in 2014

Times letter calls for “special” Remembrance Day in 2014 Date: 10 October 2012

In a letter to The Times newspaper, co-ordinated by British Future, parliamentarians, writers and senior military figures come together to support a call to make Remembrance Sunday 2014 a special Sunday.

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“Make practical civic contribution part of the citizenship test”

“Make practical civic contribution part of the citizenship test” Date: 9 October 2012

The Dragons’ Den format fringe on immigration and integration backed a practical as well as theoretical citizenship test, but rejected letting the market decide or introducing a faith-preference for persecuted Christians in the asylum process.

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Call to rewrite EU free movement rules wins Tory support

Call to rewrite EU free movement rules wins Tory support Date: 9 October 2012

Restricting EU free movement with central and East European countries won support from Conservative Parliamentarians and from liberal commentators at the Demos and British Future fringe meeting in Birmingham.

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Is Britain still great asks panel in British Empire debate

Is Britain still great asks panel in British Empire debate Date: 7 October 2012

The loaded imperialistic connotations of the ‘Great’ in Great Britain need to be shed if our country is to earn its prefix, agreed the panel at the Times Debate at Cheltenham Literature Festival yesterday.

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British Future reports examine public attitudes and make recommendations for change on topics ranging from future immigration and integration policy to how communications can help combat prejudice."

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