About us - In the media

Trump’s ‘stop the steal’ message finds an international audience among conspiracy theorists

Trump’s ‘stop the steal’ message finds an international audience among conspiracy theorists 7 January 2021

The Washington Post quotes Sunder Katwala on British political reactions to the Trump’s ‘stop the steal’ campaign.

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European remainers will continue to shape Britain

European remainers will continue to shape Britain 7 January 2021

The Economist asks Sunder Katwala how European nationals remaining in Britain will continue to shape the country after Brexit.

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Health chiefs challenged to improve ‘absurd’ lack of diversity on hospital boards

Health chiefs challenged to improve ‘absurd’ lack of diversity on hospital boards 5 January 2021

The i interviews Sunder Katwala after figures reveal that 32% of hospitals have no BAME representatives round their top table.

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Thousands of EU nationals successful in applications to live in county after Brexit

Thousands of EU nationals successful in applications to live in county after Brexit 1 January 2021

Regional newspapers quote British Future on the impact that new immigration rules will have on social care and hospitality businesses.

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Hurdles of Citizenship

Hurdles of Citizenship 16 December 2020

“Citizenship is meaningful, but we do not make it special by creating unnecessary hurdles.”

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‘Waive citizenship fees for children’

‘Waive citizenship fees for children’ 10 December 2020

“The UK should celebrate citizenship and work to remove barriers such as prohibitively expensive fees.”

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There are too many barriers to Britishness. Post-Brexit, it’s time for a more welcoming citizenship policy.

There are too many barriers to Britishness. Post-Brexit, it’s time for a more welcoming citizenship policy. 10 December 2020

Alberto Costa MP writes for ConservativeHome on the new ‘Barriers to Britishness’ report from the independent inquiry on citizenship policy.

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Citizenship ceremonies could be hosted by Queen in post-Brexit plan to celebrate Britishness

Citizenship ceremonies could be hosted by Queen in post-Brexit plan to celebrate Britishness 10 December 2020

The Telegraph reports on the findings of an independent inquiry into citizenship policy, of which British Future was secretariat.

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Four out of five people ‘impressed’ by NHS during coronavirus crisis

Four out of five people ‘impressed’ by NHS during coronavirus crisis 19 November 2020

The Mirror reports on new ICM polling by British Future, conducted on behalf of Talk/together.

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What we do

British Future’s research into public attitudes on issues such as immigration, integration and identity helps us and our partners develop effective messages that reach and persuade new audiences. We offer constructive policy solutions to people’s legitimate concerns and work to find common ground that can bring people together.

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British Future reports examine public attitudes and make recommendations for change on topics ranging from future immigration and integration policy to how communications can help combat prejudice.

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