About us - In the media

The royal interview puts racism in Britain back in the spotlight

The royal interview puts racism in Britain back in the spotlight 11 March 2021

The Economist discusses new British Future attitudes research on race in Britain.

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Royals’ interview alleging racism reveals ongoing challenges for British monarchy, say commentators

Royals’ interview alleging racism reveals ongoing challenges for British monarchy, say commentators 10 March 2021

Eastern Eye interviews British Future’s Sunder Katwala on Harry and Meghan’s Oprah interview, race and identity.

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Covid has made us more united than divided, says study – but it’s not as simple as that

Covid has made us more united than divided, says study – but it’s not as simple as that 4 March 2021

The i on new Talk/together research, highlighting the risk of new divisions if we don’t harness the Covid community spirit.

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Our Chance to Reconnect

Our Chance to Reconnect 4 March 2021

“Talk/Together research highlights the strong public appetite for more unifying moments that bring people together.”

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As Brexit divides fade, what happens next is in all our hands

As Brexit divides fade, what happens next is in all our hands 1 March 2021

Sunder Katwala writes for Times Red Box, citing Talk/together polling that shows Brexit divides have started to dissipate.  

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Covid made Scotland more united… the independence debate could tear us apart, study finds

Covid made Scotland more united… the independence debate could tear us apart, study finds 1 March 2021

The Herald reports on Talk/together’s findings in Scotland, which reveal a strong desire to disagree better in debates around independence.

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The country craves a ‘Beveridge moment’, but it is beyond our grasp

The country craves a ‘Beveridge moment’, but it is beyond our grasp 1 March 2021

The Telegraph cites new polling from Talk/together, highlighting the public demand to “see past our differences”.

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Covid has connected UK communities and spurred volunteering, report finds

Covid has connected UK communities and spurred volunteering, report finds 1 March 2021

The Guardian reports on findings and polling from Our Chance to Reconnect, the final report of the Talk/together project.

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Over 12 million Brits have volunteered during coronavirus pandemic

Over 12 million Brits have volunteered during coronavirus pandemic 28 February 2021

“The latest findings come from the UK’s biggest-ever public survey of what unites and divides society.” – The Sun

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What we do

British Future’s research into public attitudes on issues such as immigration, integration and identity helps us and our partners develop effective messages that reach and persuade new audiences. We offer constructive policy solutions to people’s legitimate concerns and work to find common ground that can bring people together.

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British Future reports examine public attitudes and make recommendations for change on topics ranging from future immigration and integration policy to how communications can help combat prejudice.

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