About us - In the media

Contact matters in trying to change racist attitudes

Contact matters in trying to change racist attitudes 24 June 2020

Sunder Katwala discusses how social integration between different ethnic groups is vital to dismantling racist beliefs.

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Attitudes to immigration have warmed during the lockdown – but shift was well underway before the pandemic struck

Attitudes to immigration have warmed during the lockdown – but shift was well underway before the pandemic struck 21 June 2020

The i reports on new ICM polling conducted for British Future and The Policy Institute at King’s College London.

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Johnson’s commission ‘will keep race disparity on the agenda’

Johnson’s commission ‘will keep race disparity on the agenda’ 18 June 2020

“Dismissing the new commission would be a mistake for those campaigning to keep race equal­ity on the agenda.”

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How talking more about our history can defuse a culture war

How talking more about our history can defuse a culture war 12 June 2020

“It should be possible to make the case for both racial equality and for Britain’s history and identity.”  

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Black Lives Matter protests spark need for quicker equality action

Black Lives Matter protests spark need for quicker equality action 11 June 2020

Sunder writes for Eastern Eye on how the Black Lives Matter protests highlight generational differences in perceptions of racial equality […]

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Immigration u-turns ‘reflect role of public opinion’

Immigration u-turns ‘reflect role of public opinion’ 28 May 2020

“During this reset mo­ment for Britain’s immi­gration system, influ­encing policy outcomes will depend on efforts to bridge different political tribes.”

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Strengthening social capital in more deprived areas during the age of coronavirus

Strengthening social capital in more deprived areas during the age of coronavirus 14 May 2020

Sunder Katwala outlines the initial findings of a new inquiry from the APPG on Social Integration.

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Life after lockdown ‘must bridge divides’

Life after lockdown ‘must bridge divides’ 13 May 2020

Sunder Katwala writes for Eastern Eye on how the policy response to Covid-19 must address socioeconomic and ethnic inequalities.

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British Future in the Media

British Future in the Media 1 January 2020

For previous news coverage of British Future, please visit our Pinterest page.

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What we do

What we do

British Future’s research into public attitudes on issues such as immigration, integration and identity helps us and our partners develop effective messages that reach and persuade new audiences. We offer constructive policy solutions to people’s legitimate concerns and work to find common ground that can bring people together.

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British Future reports examine public attitudes and make recommendations for change on topics ranging from future immigration and integration policy to how communications can help combat prejudice.

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