About us - In the media

Integration of Afghan refugees in the UK

Integration of Afghan refugees in the UK 1 September 2021

British Future Director Sunder Katwala and more write in response to columnist Clare Foges for The Times.

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How to disagree on Positive Twitter Day

How to disagree on Positive Twitter Day 27 August 2021

“Positive Twitter Day is a chance for users to make a contribution to better social norms online.”.

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England is becoming a kinder place to live

England is becoming a kinder place to live 18 July 2021

British Future Director, Sunder Katwala reflects on the Euros 2020 final and its aftermath in The Observer.

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This is our England

This is our England 12 July 2021

“We cannot let the England that came together this month be stolen away in overtime by racists.”.

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We need meaningful contact between those with different views

We need meaningful contact between those with different views 8 July 2021

British Future Director, Sunder Katwala writes for The Times -Northern Ireland about the need to prioritise community building and not […]

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There is power in making sure everybody is invited

There is power in making sure everybody is invited 1 July 2021

“If we want to heal the divisions in our society, there is power in making sure that everybody is invited […]

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‘Football has led the way in building an inclusive Englishness’

‘Football has led the way in building an inclusive Englishness’ 10 June 2021

British Future Director Sunder Katwala writes for CapX about the positive example football has set for inclusivity in England.

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‘Britain must develop a proper integration plan’

‘Britain must develop a proper integration plan’ 19 May 2021

British Future Director, Sunder Katwala writes for Eastern Eye about the necessity of an integration roadmap in Britain.

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There is no excuse for anti-Semitism

There is no excuse for anti-Semitism 17 May 2021

“Anybody who realises that it is racist to hold British Jews responsible for Israeli policy should also be able to […]

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What we do

What we do

British Future’s research into public attitudes on issues such as immigration, integration and identity helps us and our partners develop effective messages that reach and persuade new audiences. We offer constructive policy solutions to people’s legitimate concerns and work to find common ground that can bring people together.

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British Future reports examine public attitudes and make recommendations for change on topics ranging from future immigration and integration policy to how communications can help combat prejudice.

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