About us - In the media

More needs to be done to commemorate the Commonwealth’s WW2 soldiers, say generals

More needs to be done to commemorate the Commonwealth’s WW2 soldiers, say generals 29 October 2020

The Telegraph reports the launch of this year’s Remember Together campaign, co-ordinated by British Future and the Royal British Legion.

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The World Is Trapped in America’s Culture War

The World Is Trapped in America’s Culture War 27 October 2020

British Future’s Sunder Katwala is quoted by The Atlantic on the differences between British and American discourses on race.  

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Charities form alliance on Twitter in bid to stamp out hate speech

Charities form alliance on Twitter in bid to stamp out hate speech 13 October 2020

The Daily Mail reports on the new Stand Up to Hate coalition, of which British Future is a founding member.

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Modern, multicultural and surprisingly liberal: this is the real ‘red wall’

Modern, multicultural and surprisingly liberal: this is the real ‘red wall’ 4 October 2020

The Guardian’s John Harris cites Sunder Katwala on the social liberalism of so-called ‘Red Wall’ constituencies.

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Britain’s mixed-race population blurs the lines of identity politics

Britain’s mixed-race population blurs the lines of identity politics 1 October 2020

The Economist quotes Sunder Katwala on how UK race relations are impacted by a higher proportion of inter-ethnic relationships.

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An effective Home office could offer ‘control with compassion’

An effective Home office could offer ‘control with compassion’ 24 September 2020

“The expectation is that control, contribution and compassion can be brought together in an effective and humane system.”

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Are Britons too ‘freedom-loving’ to follow Covid rules?

Are Britons too ‘freedom-loving’ to follow Covid rules? 23 September 2020

The Guardian quotes Sunder Katwala on public attitudes toward coronavirus restrictions.

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Is Brexit Britain pro-immigration and what does it mean for business?

Is Brexit Britain pro-immigration and what does it mean for business? 17 September 2020

“Overall, attitudes have remained broadly stable over the last quarter and people care about immigration much less.”

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The surprising benefits of talking to strangers

The surprising benefits of talking to strangers 15 September 2020

BBC News cites research by British Future for the /together coalition, exploring the public’s perceptions of neighbourliness during lockdown.

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What we do

British Future’s research into public attitudes on issues such as immigration, integration and identity helps us and our partners develop effective messages that reach and persuade new audiences. We offer constructive policy solutions to people’s legitimate concerns and work to find common ground that can bring people together.

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British Future reports examine public attitudes and make recommendations for change on topics ranging from future immigration and integration policy to how communications can help combat prejudice.

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