About us - In the media

Polls showed the importance of geography and identity in politics

Polls showed the importance of geography and identity in politics 13 May 2021

Sunder Katwala writes for Eastern Eye on the importance of geography and identity in determining elections.

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A Muslim history of the UK

A Muslim history of the UK 3 May 2021

“There has been a rapid increase in public awareness of the Black and Asian contribution to the world wars.”

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Hashtags can’t hide social media’s failures to rule racism offside

Hashtags can’t hide social media’s failures to rule racism offside 30 April 2021

Sunder Katwala writes for New Statesman on the need for firmer action by social media platforms to tackle online racism.

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What Britain can learn from George Floyd’s verdict

What Britain can learn from George Floyd’s verdict 26 April 2021

Asian Voice ask Sunder Katwala what action is needed in Britain to tackle racism and discrimination in policing.

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Thierry Henry says ‘stop the hate now’ as Mirror calls for end to online abuse

Thierry Henry says ‘stop the hate now’ as Mirror calls for end to online abuse 25 April 2021

The Mirror cites polling from British Future on online discrimination, as football stars call for tougher action against hate speech.

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St George’s Day not celebrated equally, poll finds

St George’s Day not celebrated equally, poll finds 23 April 2021

“Most people in England would support doing more to mark St George’s Day as a way to bring people together.”

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What it means to be English is changing – St George’s Day is the perfect opportunity to celebrate this

What it means to be English is changing – St George’s Day is the perfect opportunity to celebrate this 23 April 2021

“There is a broad appeal for celebrating an inclusive idea of England” writes Sunder in The Independent.

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Hong Kong, migration and integration: Is the UK a welcoming place?

Hong Kong, migration and integration: Is the UK a welcoming place? 19 April 2021

Sunder Katwala speaks on the Sky News Daily Podcast about the action needed to help integrate Hong Kong migrants.

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Ending racial bias ‘needs less talk and more action’

Ending racial bias ‘needs less talk and more action’ 8 April 2021

“What Britain needs is a conversation about race, not a shouting match.”

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What we do

What we do

British Future’s research into public attitudes on issues such as immigration, integration and identity helps us and our partners develop effective messages that reach and persuade new audiences. We offer constructive policy solutions to people’s legitimate concerns and work to find common ground that can bring people together.

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British Future reports examine public attitudes and make recommendations for change on topics ranging from future immigration and integration policy to how communications can help combat prejudice.

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