About us - In the media

Britain’s lockdown blitz spirit ‘is starting to fray’, says study

Britain’s lockdown blitz spirit ‘is starting to fray’, says study 30 July 2020

The Daily Mail cites research by British Future for the /together Coalition in our report ‘Remembering the Kindness of Strangers’

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Wiley’s racist rant exposes Twitter’s failures – and illuminates the debate on ‘cancel culture’

Wiley’s racist rant exposes Twitter’s failures – and illuminates the debate on ‘cancel culture’ 27 July 2020

Sunder discusses social media regulations on hate speech after a series of anti-Semitic tweets were posted by grime artist Wiley. 

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‘Don’t call me BAME. We need a new political language’

‘Don’t call me BAME. We need a new political language’ 25 July 2020

The Guardian’s Kenan Malik quotes Sunder Katwala on the political limitations around using ‘BAME’ as a categorisation for ethnic minorities.

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Sajid Javid urges PM and businesses to improve diversity immediately

Sajid Javid urges PM and businesses to improve diversity immediately 23 July 2020

The Guardian reports on Sajid Javid’s comments made at British Future’s online webinar ‘Let’s Talk About Race’.

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Action Must Replace Talk on Race Equality

Action Must Replace Talk on Race Equality 22 July 2020

“The Government’s new Commission on Race inherits the strongest evidence base on race and opportunity in any major democ­racy.”

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What Britain thinks of race relations since Stephen Lawrence’s death

What Britain thinks of race relations since Stephen Lawrence’s death 17 July 2020

Sunder Katwala writes for CAPX on the state of race relations in the UK, following new polling from ITV.

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Points-based immigration system seeks ‘control with compassion’

Points-based immigration system seeks ‘control with compassion’ 16 July 2020

“The government has combined talking about new post-Brexit controls while softening its policy choices.”

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Racism in the UK still rife, say majority of Britons

Racism in the UK still rife, say majority of Britons 16 July 2020

The Guardian quotes Sunder Katwala on the public appetite to see faster progress toward racial equality.

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Health service is the best example of what integration truly means

Health service is the best example of what integration truly means 2 July 2020

“There is no better model of why social connec­tion matters in our liberal, diverse society.”      

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What we do

British Future’s research into public attitudes on issues such as immigration, integration and identity helps us and our partners develop effective messages that reach and persuade new audiences. We offer constructive policy solutions to people’s legitimate concerns and work to find common ground that can bring people together.

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British Future reports examine public attitudes and make recommendations for change on topics ranging from future immigration and integration policy to how communications can help combat prejudice.

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