About us - In the media

University criticised for removing David Hume’s name amid racist ‘distress’ concerns

University criticised for removing David Hume’s name amid racist ‘distress’ concerns 13 September 2020

The Scotsman quotes Sunder Katwala on the need for a balanced debate over the historical legacy of David Hume.

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Not in our name: Ethnic minorities don’t care about your Proms culture war

Not in our name: Ethnic minorities don’t care about your Proms culture war 1 September 2020

“What do ethnic minorities think about the last night of the Proms? The most plausible answer is: Not much”  

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Harris’s mixed Asian-African heritage reflects her priorities

Harris’s mixed Asian-African heritage reflects her priorities 26 August 2020

Sunder discusses Kamala Harris’ priorities as both the first Asian-American and the first black woman on a Democrat presidential ticket.

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VJ Day reflects multi-ethnic Britain’s history

VJ Day reflects multi-ethnic Britain’s history 13 August 2020

“The Commonwealth contribution to defeating Japan forms a crucial part of both British and Indian history”

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How to build an immigration system that blends compassion and control

How to build an immigration system that blends compassion and control 13 August 2020

Jill Rutter writes for CAPX on the migrant channel crossings, discussing her research from The National Conversation on Immigration

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Police End Stephen Lawrence Murder Probe That Showed U.K. Racism

Police End Stephen Lawrence Murder Probe That Showed U.K. Racism 12 August 2020

Bloomberg quotes British Future’s Sunder Katwala on the significance of the Stephen Lawrence inquiry in UK race relations

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Gandhi does not quite fit the bill of recognising ethnic minority Britons on our currency

Gandhi does not quite fit the bill of recognising ethnic minority Britons on our currency 4 August 2020

Sunder Katwala writes for Conservative Home on the decision to feature Mahatma Gandhi on British coinage

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Coronavirus: UK lockdown solidarity ‘starting to fray’

Coronavirus: UK lockdown solidarity ‘starting to fray’ 30 July 2020

The BBC cites ICM polling for the /together Coalition, which tracked perceptions of unity and division under lockdown.

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Cummings trips damaged UK lockdown unity, study suggests

Cummings trips damaged UK lockdown unity, study suggests 30 July 2020

The Guardian on new research from British Future, exploring how we can maintain the community spirit forged during lockdown.

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What we do

British Future’s research into public attitudes on issues such as immigration, integration and identity helps us and our partners develop effective messages that reach and persuade new audiences. We offer constructive policy solutions to people’s legitimate concerns and work to find common ground that can bring people together.

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British Future reports examine public attitudes and make recommendations for change on topics ranging from future immigration and integration policy to how communications can help combat prejudice.

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