About us - In the media

Culture wars give Boris Johnson and his government a quick and easy high. They’re no substitute for governing

Culture wars give Boris Johnson and his government a quick and easy high. They’re no substitute for governing 4 April 2021

CNN quotes Sunder Katwala, discussing intergenerational and ethnic differences on views of whether Britain is systemically racist.

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Race report: Key findings and what the commission recommends

Race report: Key findings and what the commission recommends 31 March 2021

The Telegraph reports on the Race Commission’s findings on social media hate, citing British Future attitudes polling on online abuse.

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Is Britain racist? This binary question is unhelpful and obstructs real progress

Is Britain racist? This binary question is unhelpful and obstructs real progress 31 March 2021

Sunder Katwala writes for the Independent on how Britain has made progress on race, but expectations have risen faster.

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Race review chief reveals his schools plan to help white working-class boys

Race review chief reveals his schools plan to help white working-class boys 30 March 2021

The Times quotes British Future research on a common ground agenda for action on race, prejudice and inequality.

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Boris Johnson’s race commission ‘to scrap use of BAME label’

Boris Johnson’s race commission ‘to scrap use of BAME label’ 29 March 2021

The Guardian cites British Future polling on race in Britain, ahead of the release of proposals from the Race Commission.

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‘Ditch Bame’ Race Commission proposal broadly welcomed, but campaigners wonder what’s next

‘Ditch Bame’ Race Commission proposal broadly welcomed, but campaigners wonder what’s next 29 March 2021

The Independent reports on British Future research into public attitudes around the term BAME.

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Those who shout loudest about race cannot be allowed to silence others

Those who shout loudest about race cannot be allowed to silence others 14 March 2021

Sunder Katwala writes for the Observer on the need for a civil and constructive public discussion on race in Britain.

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Britons divided by their ethnicity and age in debate over race

Britons divided by their ethnicity and age in debate over race 14 March 2021

The Observer reports on British Future polling, showing that 56% of black Brits feel race is not talked about enough.

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‘It all feels a bit familiar’: Black Britons show solidarity with Meghan Markle

‘It all feels a bit familiar’: Black Britons show solidarity with Meghan Markle 13 March 2021

The Financial Times quotes Sunder Katwala on generational differences in attitudes around race and identity.

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British Future’s research into public attitudes on issues such as immigration, integration and identity helps us and our partners develop effective messages that reach and persuade new audiences. We offer constructive policy solutions to people’s legitimate concerns and work to find common ground that can bring people together.

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British Future reports examine public attitudes and make recommendations for change on topics ranging from future immigration and integration policy to how communications can help combat prejudice.

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