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What’s a centenary good for? Can the Centenary of the First World War bring us together?

Event type:
Location: Leeds Central Library, Municipal Buildings, Calverley Street Leeds LS1 3AB

British Future are hosting an event looking at the war and its relevance to today.

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Peak UKIP, or a political earthquake? Unpicking the European election results

Event type:
Location: British Future Kean House 6 Kean Street London, WC2B 4AS

After the election weekend spin, what do the numbers really tell us about the European election results and what they mean for British politics in the run-up to the 2015 general election?

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Divorcing a nation: what happens if Scotland separates?

Event type:
Location: IPPR North, 3rd Floor, 20 Collingwood Street, Newcastle NE1 1JF

On the 18th September, Scotland will vote on whether it wants to leave or stay in the UK. A ‘yes’ vote will have a big impact on what remains of the UK.

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The Future of ‘Us’: Majority and minority relationships in a changing Britain

Upcoming Event
Event type: Conference
Date: 21/11/2023
Location: Central London - please RSVP for details

A half day-event bringing interested stakeholders together to discuss opportunities to bridge gaps within British society. Debates about immigration, Brexit, […]

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Can Labour change the debate on immigration?

Upcoming Event
Event type: Party conference fringe
Date: 10/10/2023
Location: ACC Meeting Room 18 (Main conference space), Liverpool

Recent research shows UK attitudes to immigration are among the most positive internationally, despite net migration reaching record levels. Is […]

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Imagining Windrush 100: What’s the vision and agenda for racial equity in Britain?

Upcoming Event
Event type: Party conference fringe
Date: 10/10/2023
Location: ACC Meeting Room 18 (Main conference space), Liverpool

2023 is the 75th anniversary of HMT Windrush arriving in the UK and celebrates the success and impact of those of […]

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(Labour Party Conference) Welcoming Hong Kongers – a recipe for a successful ‘Welcoming Scheme’?

Upcoming Event
Event type: Party conference fringe
Date: 08/10/2023
Location: ACC Meeting Room 18 (Main conference space), Liverpool

More than 140,000 Hong Kongers have moved to the UK in the first two years of the BN(O) visa scheme, […]

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Bridge the Gap: What should a Labour government do to improve social mobility?

Upcoming Event
Event type: Party conference fringe
Date: 10/10/2023
Location: ACC Hall 2D (main area), Liverpool

Breaking down the barriers to opportunity at every stage is one of Labour’s five missions for the government. This fringe […]

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What do Conservatives need to do to appeal to the changing face of Britain?

Upcoming Event
Event type: Party conference fringe
Date: 03/10/2023
Location: Lancaster Theatre, Midland Hotel, Manchester

In 1948, Britain’s Commonwealth subjects answered the call emigrate and rebuild postwar Britain – symbolised by the arrival 75 years ago […]

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Immigration: policy, attitudes and where the Conservatives go next

Upcoming Event
Event type: Party conference fringe
Date: 03/10/2023
Location: Victoria Suite, Manchester

The government is committed to reducing the number of people arriving in the UK – but with net migration hitting […]

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(Conservative Conference) Welcoming Hong Kongers – a recipe for a successful ‘Welcoming Scheme’?

Upcoming Event
Event type: Party conference fringe
Date: 02/10/2023
Location: Thatcher Exhibition Space (main secure zone), Manchester

More than 140,000 Hong Kongers have moved to the UK in the first two years of the BN(O) visa scheme, […]

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Equity in Social Mobility: A value for Conservatism

Upcoming Event
Event type: Party conference fringe
Date: 02/10/2023
Location: Trafford Room, Midland Hotel (Secure Zone), Manchester

As the cost-of-living crisis becomes central to British public life, it is necessary to understand what a Conservative policy on […]

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