
A Centenary Shared: Tracking public attitudes to the First World War Centenary 2013-16

Date: 5 December 2016 A Centenary Shared: Tracking public attitudes to the First World War Centenary 2013-16

As we reach the halfway point in our commemoration of the First World War Centenary, this new research asks: What have people learned so far? Are they still interested? And what does the war of 1914-18 mean to Britain in 2016?

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Britain’s immigration offer to Europe

Date: 31 October 2016 Britain’s immigration offer to Europe

In ‘Britain’s immigration offer to Europe’, British Future proposes a new, preferential system for EU immigration to the UK. Such a system could, we argue, secure UK public and political support while also offering UK negotiators a positive proposal to make in Brexit negotiations.

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What next after Brexit? Immigration and integration in post-referendum Britain

Date: 25 August 2016 What next after Brexit? Immigration and integration in post-referendum Britain

A report examining the challenges and opportunities on immigration policy after the Brexit vote

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Disbanding the tribes – what the referendum told us about Britain (and what it didn’t)

Date: 26 July 2016 Disbanding the tribes – what the referendum told us about Britain (and what it didn’t)

There is common ground on the issue of immigration between Leave and Remain voters who disagreed on the referendum question, finds a new report today from British Future.

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Making citizenship matter: why London needs an Office for Citizenship & Integration

Date: 25 February 2016 Making citizenship matter: why London needs an Office for Citizenship & Integration

This new report from British Future, in partnership with London Citizens, sets out why London Mayoral candidates should support cross-party calls for an Office for Citizenship & Integration, headed by a new Deputy Mayor at City Hall with responsibility for promoting citizenship and encouraging better integration in London.

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How (not) to talk about Europe

Date: 6 January 2016 How (not) to talk about Europe

A new pamphlet from British Future examining the voters who will decide the EU referendum and how both sides have some way to go in order to persuade them

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The Politics of Immigration

Date: 15 October 2015 The Politics of Immigration

“The Politics of Immigration – the surprising lessons of the 2015 General Election and what they mean for party leaders” by British Future draws on post-election polling by Survation and new analysis of public attitudes and voting behaviour, including among a large sample of ethnic minority voters, to highlight challenges for all political parties and other advocates on this key issue for voters.

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How to talk about immigration

Date: 3 April 2015 How to talk about immigration

‘How To Talk About Immigration’ sets out the challenges for all sides when it comes to discussing and regaining trust on one of the most hotly contested issues in British politics.

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The race for representation

Date: 23 March 2015 The race for representation

“The race for representation: how ethnic diversity became the ‘new normal’ in British politics”, analyses the chances of the ethnic minority candidates standing in the 2015 election and projects more non-white MPs than ever before.

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