
Events like Commonwealth Games and Jubilee can bridge divides and bring people together – new report

Events like Commonwealth Games and Jubilee can bridge divides and bring people together – new report Date: 12 August 2022

A new report examines how major sporting and cultural events can help bridge divides, connecting people from different backgrounds and building a shared and inclusive identity.

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Why the UK should host a ‘Welcomers Eurovision’ in 2023

Why the UK should host a ‘Welcomers Eurovision’ in 2023 Date: 12 August 2022

2023 should see a ‘Welcomers Eurovision’, with Ukrainian refugees and their host families invited to an event that celebrates the warm welcome that the British public has offered Ukrainians.

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Fifty years on, a Ugandan Asian reflection on making a home in Britain.

Fifty years on, a Ugandan Asian reflection on making a home in Britain. Date: 1 August 2022

My father Rashmi was born and raised in Jinja – a Ugandan town on the shores of Lake Victoria. His […]

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How the Lionesses became legends

How the Lionesses became legends Date: 1 August 2022

England’s Lionesses are the footballing champions of Europe. For the hosts at Wembley, this was the perfect ending to a […]

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Changing the game – How football came home for me this summer

Changing the game – How football came home for me this summer Date: 26 July 2022

My first memories of football were on the concrete playground of my central London primary school, playing alongside one other […]

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Report from the Welcoming Hong Kongers Annual Conference 2022

Report from the Welcoming Hong Kongers Annual Conference 2022 Date: 15 July 2022

A London conference brought together recently-arrived Hong Kongers with those across the UK helping to welcome them to their new home, to assess the achievements so far and challenges to overcome.

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England’s Lionesses can help build an inclusive pride at Euro 2022

England’s Lionesses can help build an inclusive pride at Euro 2022 Date: 6 July 2022

As the women’s Euro 2022 football tournament takes place across England, Sunder Katwala looks at the power of football to help bridge divides and build a shared and inclusive identity.

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“This truth is part of the fabric of British society and it needs to be heard” – report from our Windrush Day event

“This truth is part of the fabric of British society and it needs to be heard” – report from our Windrush Day event Date: 22 June 2022

As we mark Windrush Day & look to the 75th anniversary next year, Steve Ballinger reports on our event with the Windrush75 Network, ‘Why Windrush matters today’

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Windrush Day call to make 75th anniversary next year a ‘major national moment’

Windrush Day call to make 75th anniversary next year a ‘major national moment’ Date: 22 June 2022

More than 100 voices from across politics, sport, culture and civil society have signed a joint letter urging all institutions to ‘step up’ and play their part in making the 75th anniversary of the Windrush a ‘major national moment’.

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British Future reports examine public attitudes and make recommendations for change on topics ranging from future immigration and integration policy to how communications can help combat prejudice."

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See British Future's recent media coverage, with links to articles and clips."

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