
What are Scotland’s choices within the new immigration system?

What are Scotland’s choices within the new immigration system? Date: 2 November 2021

Heather Rolfe considers the immigration policy options for Scotland, and the context of shifting public attitudes to immigration in Scotland and across the UK.

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Why building better communities is everyone’s business

Why building better communities is everyone’s business Date: 27 October 2021

Businesses of all sizes, sectors and situations stepped up during the pandemic to help local communities. A new Social Integration APPG report asks whether this will continue and how business could contribute to the levelling-up of people and places.

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Time running out to harness benefits of Covid-19 volunteer spirit – new APPG report

Time running out to harness benefits of Covid-19 volunteer spirit – new APPG report Date: 27 October 2021

The upsurge in volunteering during the Covid-19 pandemic helped to connect people from different backgrounds and promote integration. This appetite for community action risks being lost without urgent policy action, warns a new APPG report.

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Skills vs immigration: a false choice?

Skills vs immigration: a false choice? Date: 6 October 2021

Heather Rolfe reflects on PM Boris Johnson’s conference speech & suggests the public may not see a binary choice between skills & immigration.

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Can anyone win the culture wars? Conservative fringe report

Can anyone win the culture wars? Conservative fringe report Date: 6 October 2021

“We need better strategies to call off culture wars without running away from debates about identity,” a Conservative conference fringe heard. That means engaging with issues of substance, without stoking divisions or getting distracted by trivial debates.

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Putting people at the heart of the Levelling Up agenda: conference fringe report

Putting people at the heart of the Levelling Up agenda: conference fringe report Date: 5 October 2021

Communities and social infrastructure should be at the heart of the Levelling Up agenda, said the panel at this Conservative Party conference fringe, featuring Danny Kruger, PPS to Michael Gove at the Department for Levelling UP, Housing and Communities.

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Labour conference fringe report: race equality and business

Labour conference fringe report: race equality and business Date: 29 September 2021

Report from British Future’s Labour conference fringe on race equality and business, with shadow business minister Seema Malhotra and KPMG.

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Labour conference fringe report: Should Labour call off the culture wars?

Labour conference fringe report: Should Labour call off the culture wars? Date: 28 September 2021

The best way to win an argument isn’t by squabbling over who started it. And as panellists at British Future’s […]

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Remember Together 2021

Remember Together 2021 Date: 20 September 2021

British Future is working with students at two secondary schools, in Rochdale and east London, to uncover family histories of black and Asian soldiers in the Second World War and what this means today.

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British Future reports examine public attitudes and make recommendations for change on topics ranging from future immigration and integration policy to how communications can help combat prejudice."

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See British Future's recent media coverage, with links to articles and clips."

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