
Why football must play its part in the Windrush 75th anniversary

Why football must play its part in the Windrush 75th anniversary Date: 20 June 2023

Paul Elliott – former footballer, co-founder of Kick it Out and FA Special adviser – on how football has been transformed by Britain’s diversity and why it must be part of an agenda for future change.

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Report examines attitudes to race today as Britain marks 75th Windrush anniversary

Report examines attitudes to race today as Britain marks 75th Windrush anniversary Date: 7 June 2023

A new report from British Future, ‘Why the Windrush matters today,’ provides a ‘state of the nation’ picture of public attitudes to race and diversity in Britain ahead of the 75th anniversary of the Windrush arriving in Tilbury in 1948.

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What does the public know and think about the Windrush?

What does the public know and think about the Windrush? Date: 7 June 2023

Steve Ballinger examines the new research into public awareness and appetite for celebrating the Windrush 75th anniversary this year.

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Record net migration stats highlight ‘dilemmas of control’ for Government and public alike

Record net migration stats highlight ‘dilemmas of control’ for Government and public alike Date: 25 May 2023

Record net migration figures highlight the ‘dilemmas of control,’ for the Government and for the public, British Future said today as new immigration statistics were released.

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‘My very British patriotism’

‘My very British patriotism’ Date: 5 May 2023

In this extract from his new book ‘How to be a patriot,’ British Future’s Director Sunder Katwala describes his own journey to feeling positive and patriotic about Britain today.

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Monarchy must broaden appeal to connect with modern Britain – new poll

Monarchy must broaden appeal to connect with modern Britain – new poll Date: 2 May 2023

The monarchy will need to do more if it is to appeal to younger people and ethnic minorities, finds new research for British Future

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Public desire to host Ukrainians was a not a one-off

Public desire to host Ukrainians was a not a one-off Date: 13 March 2023

New research finds an appetite to extend the welcoming approach of the Homes for Ukraine scheme to other groups of new arrivals.

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‘Groundhog Day asylum bill’ repeats impossible promises on small boats

‘Groundhog Day asylum bill’ repeats impossible promises on small boats Date: 6 March 2023

The Government is repeating its impossible promises of last year to tackle Channel crossings – when it should be looking at practical solutions.

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Action on race equality: “Can we have the energy without the polarisation?”

Action on race equality: “Can we have the energy without the polarisation?” Date: 3 March 2023

We may struggle with how to talk about race equality, but might it be easier to agree on what to do? A Westminster panel event discussed this question.

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British Future reports examine public attitudes and make recommendations for change on topics ranging from future immigration and integration policy to how communications can help combat prejudice."

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See British Future's recent media coverage, with links to articles and clips."

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