About us - In the media

Why this former republican will be tuning into the King’s coronation

Why this former republican will be tuning into the King’s coronation 1 May 2023

Sunder Katwala discusses his change of opinion on the monarchy in an opinion piece for CNN.

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Yousaf and Sunak … politics is making progress but society must catch up

Yousaf and Sunak … politics is making progress but society must catch up 2 April 2023

In The Observer, Sunder Katwala explains why a truly equitable country is still some way off despite recent successes.

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Humza Yousaf, the history-maker

Humza Yousaf, the history-maker 28 March 2023

In Eastern Eye, Sunder Katwala calls the election of Humza Yousaf a “breakthrough moment that should resonate well beyond Scotland.”

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Is ‘Stop the boats’ a slogan without a solution?

Is ‘Stop the boats’ a slogan without a solution? 10 March 2023

Sunder Katwala, Director of British Future, joins Hannah Moore on the Today in Focus podcast to discuss Channel crossings.

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Groundhog Day for asylum policy?

Groundhog Day for asylum policy? 7 March 2023

In CapX, Sunder Katwala discusses the issues with the Government’s asylum policy.

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Sunak’s promise to ‘stop the boats’ is destined to fail without asylum reform

Sunak’s promise to ‘stop the boats’ is destined to fail without asylum reform 18 February 2023

Sunder Katwala outlines why a new humanitarian visa must be part of the answer, in a piece for the Guardian.

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Police arrest 15 people after violence outside hotel housing asylum seekers

Police arrest 15 people after violence outside hotel housing asylum seekers 11 February 2023

In the aftermath of demonstration in Knowsley, Sunder Katwala is quoted in the Guardian.

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The Prevent review feeds a political lie: that fighting the far right lets Islamist terrorists off the hook

The Prevent review feeds a political lie: that fighting the far right lets Islamist terrorists off the hook 8 February 2023

In the Guardian, Sunder Katwala discusses William Shawcross’s review of Prevent.

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Windrush lessons will go unlearned for now

Windrush lessons will go unlearned for now 1 February 2023

Sunder Katwala reacts to the anger and disappointment after the Home Secretary ditches commitments made after the Windrush scandal.

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British Future’s research into public attitudes on issues such as immigration, integration and identity helps us and our partners develop effective messages that reach and persuade new audiences. We offer constructive policy solutions to people’s legitimate concerns and work to find common ground that can bring people together.

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British Future reports examine public attitudes and make recommendations for change on topics ranging from future immigration and integration policy to how communications can help combat prejudice.

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