About us - In the media

How the Middle East conflict impacts UK domestic politics

How the Middle East conflict impacts UK domestic politics 31 October 2023

Sunder Katwala examines the repercussions of conflict in the Middle East on politics in Britain.

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One year in, Sunak eyes future and likely legacy

One year in, Sunak eyes future and likely legacy 25 October 2023

In Eastern Eye, Sunder Katwala discusses Rishi Sunak’s tenure so far and considers the Prime Minister’s future.

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Challenging prejudice in the UK as war rages in the Middle East

Challenging prejudice in the UK as war rages in the Middle East 17 October 2023

Sunder Katwala looks at the impact on prejudice in the UK as war breaks out in the Middle East.

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Two-thirds of public ‘dissatisfied with Government´s approach to immigration’

Two-thirds of public ‘dissatisfied with Government´s approach to immigration’ 12 September 2023

The MailOnline highlights the Ipsos and British Future findings that show dissatisfaction is on both sides of the political divide.

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Let’s swap culture wars for a constructive conversation about our history

Let’s swap culture wars for a constructive conversation about our history 11 September 2023

British Future Researcher Jake Puddle argues that the answer to contested cultural questions is more history, not less.

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Inclusive histories | Reflections on Windrush 75th Anniversary

Inclusive histories | Reflections on Windrush 75th Anniversary 10 September 2023

British Future Associate Fellow Patrick Vernon reflects on Windrush 75 and looks to the future too.

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The Tories are mistaken if they believe that immigration is still their trump card

The Tories are mistaken if they believe that immigration is still their trump card 10 September 2023

In The Observer, Andrew Rawnsley looks at the finding of British Future’s new ‘Dilemmas of Control’ report.

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Report highlights how museums can tell inclusive histories in polarised times

Report highlights how museums can tell inclusive histories in polarised times 7 September 2023

Museums Association’s Geraldine Kendall Adams examines British Future’s ‘Inclusive Histories’ report.

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‘Labour must get stuck into culture wars by healing divides, not ignoring them’

‘Labour must get stuck into culture wars by healing divides, not ignoring them’ 6 September 2023

In LabourList, Sunder Katwala discusses the best approach to culture wars for Labour.

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What we do

British Future’s research into public attitudes on issues such as immigration, integration and identity helps us and our partners develop effective messages that reach and persuade new audiences. We offer constructive policy solutions to people’s legitimate concerns and work to find common ground that can bring people together.

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British Future reports examine public attitudes and make recommendations for change on topics ranging from future immigration and integration policy to how communications can help combat prejudice.

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