About us - In the media

‘Martin Luther King’s words still resonate, 60 years on’

‘Martin Luther King’s words still resonate, 60 years on’ 30 August 2023

Sunder Katwala argues that soundbites have replaced speeches in politics today.

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George Alagiah and the story of who we are today

George Alagiah and the story of who we are today 1 August 2023

Sunder Katwala reflects on the tributes to the late George Alagiah.

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By-elections’ contrasting lessons for party leaders

By-elections’ contrasting lessons for party leaders 24 July 2023

In Eastern Eye, Sunder Katwala looks at what the by-election results mean for party leaders.

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How sport can reflect an inclusive national identity

How sport can reflect an inclusive national identity 20 July 2023

Ahead of the Women’s World Cup, Sunder Katwala considers how sport can help to form an inclusive national identity.

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NHS at 75: A vision of who we are and the society we want to be

NHS at 75: A vision of who we are and the society we want to be 10 July 2023

After the NHS 75 service at Westminster Abbey, Sunder Katwala discusses the symbolism of the NHS in Britain.

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Windrush 75 offers a chance to reflect on the history and future of race in Britain

Windrush 75 offers a chance to reflect on the history and future of race in Britain 20 June 2023

In Eastern Eye, Sunder Katwala reflects on the significance of Windrush 75.

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Why Britain is a great place to grow up as an ethnic minority

Why Britain is a great place to grow up as an ethnic minority 13 June 2023

In The Telegraph, Sunder Katwala speaks about growing up in Britain as an ethnic minority.

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24 May 2023

Writing in The Times, Sunder Katwala argues that we should strive for a renewed patriotism.

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Why I changed my mind about the monarchy

Why I changed my mind about the monarchy 2 May 2023

In CapX, Sunder Katwala explores his thoughts on the monarchy.

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British Future’s research into public attitudes on issues such as immigration, integration and identity helps us and our partners develop effective messages that reach and persuade new audiences. We offer constructive policy solutions to people’s legitimate concerns and work to find common ground that can bring people together.

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British Future reports examine public attitudes and make recommendations for change on topics ranging from future immigration and integration policy to how communications can help combat prejudice.

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