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Refugees & Asylum

Building broad public support for refugee protection in the UK is key to defending the protection framework and achieving
policy change.

How can voices in civil society and politics make the case for refugee protection to those who are sceptical about the asylum system and whether Britain can cope with the scale of the crisis?

British Future disseminates research into public attitudes and messages that resonate with persuadable sceptics, to help organisations working on refugee protection communicate more effectively.

We are proud to be part of Refugee Week each year.

Warming attitudes to immigration create space for action to ease labour shortages

Warming attitudes to immigration create space for action to ease labour shortages Date: 14 September 2021

Public attitudes to immigration are more positive than negative across a range of measures, according to the latest findings from Ipsos MORI research that has tracked changing public attitudes to immigration across twelve waves of research since 2015.

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Protecting Afghan refugees

Protecting Afghan refugees Date: 20 August 2021

Letter to The Times urging a generous refugee resettlement programme for those forced to flee Afghanistan following the Taliban’s seizure of power.

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Marking 70 years of UK refugee protection

Marking 70 years of UK refugee protection Date: 28 July 2021

70 years ago, the UK and other countries signed the UN Refugee Convention. Since then it has saved thousands of people’s lives. To mark the anniversary, refugees from across those seven decades came together to celebrate this proud history – and to re-make that promise to welcome those who most need our help.

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Rashford and refugees discussed as South-East Talks Together

Rashford and refugees discussed as South-East Talks Together Date: 4 November 2020

Nuanced and balanced Talk/together conversations in the South-East show the value of engaging people in discussions about ‘difficult’ subjects, writes Jill Rutter.

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Letting refugees learn

Letting refugees learn Date: 12 June 2019

Fluency in English is one of the most important factors underpinning integration. But a new report reveals the difficulties refugees face in accessing the English language classes they need to rebuild their lives in the UK

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Folkestone: compassion & concern at boat arrivals

Folkestone: compassion & concern at boat arrivals Date: 2 January 2019

British Future Director of Strategy Jill Rutter writes from a recent visit to Folkestone in Kent.

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Muslim voices lead new UK asylum calls for Pakistani Christian Asia Bibi

Muslim voices lead new UK asylum calls for Pakistani Christian Asia Bibi Date: 13 November 2018

British Muslim voices lead new calls for the UK to offer asylum to Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian woman recently acquitted of blasphemy in Pakistan.

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Britons march again to show refugees still welcome

Britons march again to show refugees still welcome Date: 16 September 2016

On Saturday 17 September, Britons are on the march again to show that we remain a country that welcomes refugees in need of protection.

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A town called Malvern: the long road to welcome refugees in Worcestershire

A town called Malvern: the long road to welcome refugees in Worcestershire Date: 31 May 2016

How a picturesque town in Worcestershire decided to open its arms to refugees

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