6 August 2020


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Talk/together aims to be the biggest public consultation since the census. From our conversations across the UK we will form the most authoritative picture yet of how COVID-19 has changed our society and what has stayed the same; of the divisions we fear; and the changes that people want to see in order to build a kinder, closer and more connected society.

Media contact:
Steve Ballinger

A national conversation about what unites and divides us, and how we can help reconnect with each other.

On 5th July, the birthday of the NHS, the /together coalition helped bring millions of people together in a shared moment of thanks, as the ‘Clap for carers’ was heard again in streets across the UK.

/together, of which British Future is proud to be a founding member, believes that moments like these – when we come together to focus on what we have in common – are important.

Now we want to find out how we can do more of this. We want to find out whether the Covid crisis has helped bring us closer together – and how we keep hold of that new community spirit into the future.

Talk/together hopes to be the biggest-ever public conversation the UK has seen. From our conversations across the UK we will form the most authoritative picture yet of how COVID-19 has changed our society and what has stayed the same; of the divisions we fear; and the changes that people want to see in order to build a kinder, closer and more connected society.

Talk/together comprises:

Face-to-face discussions across the UK will start in September 2020, public health advice permitting. We will publish some of of Talk/together’s initial findings in autumn 2020, and a final report early in 2021. We will also use our evidence to argue for policy change and the practical action we need to achieve Together’s aims.

How you can be part of Talk/together

If you are interested in organising a talk/together event in your area, please email talktogether@together.org.uk.

British Future’s latest activity on Twitter