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State of the Nation 2014

British Future’s annual report, State of the Nation, shines a spotlight on public attitudes to the key events, pressing issues and big questions which will impact on British identity over the coming year.

In the 2014 report, which builds on public opinion tracked since 2012, it finds that optimism about the economy has more than trebled in that time, from 9% in 2012 to 29% today. People are twice as positive than in 2012 about the year ahead for Britain more generally, with 29% of those polled feeling positive about 2014, compared with only 14% who could muster any hope about the 12 months to come in 2012, according to new research conducted by Ipsos MORI for British Future.

And when asked if 2014 will be a good year for their family and the town where they live, more people are optimistic than pessimistic.

Yet when it comes to the prospects of England side in the World Cup, things look more gloomy – the report reveals.

Some may feel that 2014 will be tumultuous year for British identity, but our survey shows a Britain where people will ‘keep calm and carry on,’ as responses on other issues covered in the report show. These include Scottish independence, the first world war centenary, EU membership and immigration from Romania and Bulgaria.