Will Covid cause division in Yorkshire or can we get through this together?
Event type: WebinarDate: 24/09/2020
Location: Online
The Covid-19 pandemic affects everyone in Yorkshire – but its impact is felt in different ways. As the early surge of ‘lockdown community spirit’ fades, have old divisions returned, or new ones appeared?
With some parts of Yorkshire locked down and others still open, is that causing new tensions? Should we fear a clash of generations between young and old? For communities that already felt divided – by ethnicity, religion or by wealth – has this crisis helped create common bonds, or stirred up new tensions?
And looking beyond Covid, what can we all do – government, civil society, faith, business, sport and culture – to help build a closer and more connected society?
– Dean Hoyle, Ex-chairman of Huddersfield Town Football Club, founder of Card Factory, Chairman of retail chain The Works and trustee of the charity Leeds Cares.
– Kim Leadbeater, Ambassador for The Jo Cox Foundation, Chair of More in Common Batley and Spen and sister of the late Jo Cox MP.
– Humayun Islam, chairman of the Bangla Bantams, a Bradford City supporters’ group.
– Qari Asim, Imam of Leeds Makkah Mosque and Chair of the Mosques and Imams National Advisory Board was called away on urgent business and could not attend.
– Liz Green, BBC Radio Leeds (Chair)
Watch the video here: