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Does the identity of a city matter in a global age?

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Location: Foyles, Cabot Circus, Bristol

How does the ethos of a city shape the lives of its inhabitants? The new book ‘The Spirit of Cities’ by Avner de-Shalit and Daniel Bell argues that pride in a city’s distinctive civic ethos can be a vital bulwark against the homogenizing tendencies of globalisation and the excesses of nationalism.

The book explores the history and identity of cities including Jerusalem (religion), Montreal (language), Singapore (nation building), Hong Kong (materialism), Beijing (political power), Oxford (learning), Berlin (tolerance and intolerance), Paris (romance), and New York (ambition).

Author Avner de-Shalit is joined in Bristol to discuss the theme by Sunder Katwala, director of British Future, for the Festival of Ideas.

The event, held at Foyles in Cabot Circus, Bristol, is free but pre-booking is essential.

For more information and tickets, see the Festival of Ideas event page.



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