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Post Election Briefing – What next?

Event type:
Date: 17/12/2019
Location: Central London Location

British Future invite you to attend this post-election briefing event, as we reflect on the outcome of General Election and ask ‘what next?’ for our volatile politics.

This lunchtime briefing will cover the state of the parties post-election, where we are now with Brexit and Parliament, and what this all might mean for the trajectory of immigration policy in the coming year.

British Future will give a short presentation on the new make-up of Parliament before we turn to our panel of thinktankers to hear their reflections and first thoughts, followed by, a short Q & A from the room.

We will also provide a private briefing note on the newest intake of MPs to all attendees.

We will also provide a private briefing note on the new candidates to all attendees. Join us to discuss this and much more. This event is part of our Navigating Volatile Politics series.

Date and Time: Tuesday 17th December, please arrive at 12:15 for a 12:30 start. The briefing will end at 1:45.

A light sandwich lunch will be served from 12:15.


– Sunder Katwala, Director, British Future

– Ryan Shorthouse, Director, Bright Blue

– Andrew Harrop, General Secretary, The Fabian Society

– Jill Rutter, Director of Strategy & Relationships, British Future

Please contact to request to attend on behalf of your organisation. 

This is a free stakeholder briefing. Please note we purposefully oversubscribe to ensure we have full capacity on the day, so please arrive early to secure your place. Seats are on a first come, first served basis.

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