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Team GB: How 2012 Should Boost Britain

When British Future launched in early January, we asked what story Britain would tell to world in 2012. With the success of the Jubilee and the Olympics, the year has been an eventful one for Britain, and for British Future.

But what will the legacy of the events of 2012 be?


Team GB: How 2012 Should Boost Britain, looks at how London 2012 has changed public attitudes to pride and identity, revisiting our polling with YouGov and Ipsos MORI from earlier his year.

We found that the public are eager for London 2012 to have a lasting impact, and we believe that the legacy can be more than just a post-Olympic feelgood moment.

Read about the impact the Games have had on the country, how we can keep the Olympic spirit alive, and see our polling on how attitudes have changed over the year.